There are many “gospel” messages being circulated today. I want to tell you the TRUE gospel message. In some circles one would believe that if we simply say “I accept Jesus into my heart,” we are saved. This is “not the gospel.” They do not teach the whole gospel. And, it is critical to know the difference because many people who believe they are saved are not. They have been given a false gospel and are still on their way to hell.
When presenting the “gospel” message some leave out the cross and resurrection completely. They don’t tell us we are sinners and we need a Savior. They don’t tell us we will either spend eternity in Heaven or hell and our destiny depends on what we believe about Jesus. They don’t tell us that now is the time to make that decision and after we die it will be too late. The gospel is sometimes presented as something we do, like going forward in church, or having some kind of emotional experience, so we can find peace, happiness, wealth, and good health. The emphasis is not on the fact of how we are all dreadful sinners and in desperate need of a Savior. There is no talk of repentance which is clearly taught in the scripture by Jesus Himself. And, they hardly ever tell us there is a cost to following Christ.